



英文名称:Celtic Voices :Women of Song



专辑歌手:Mary McLaughlin

Connie Dover

Maireid Sullivan

Emma Christian





美国Narada 公司出品的Celtic Voices专辑,一上市就引起了世界乐迷的关注,销量持久不下。她选取了玛丽.麦克莲、康妮多佛、玛丽.苏莉文、 艾玛.克莉丝坦 四位绝世女伶美妙的声音,把你带入凯尔特悠远迷情!四大克尔特名伶如水晶般纯净美声,至情至性咏唱美丽与哀愁,令人沉醉其中,无法自拔。。。

Four accomplished female vocalists--Mary McLaughlin, Connie Dover, Maireid Sullivan and Emma Christian--offer haunting and heartfelt renditions of both new and traditional tunes, gently accompanied by an assortment of instruments. The voices of the vocalists, though not heard concurrently, are remarkably well-matched--rich, velvety, resonant and bell-clear. A standout number is the striking lament "Sealwoman/Yundah" by Mary McLaughlin. My other favorites include Connie Dover''s wistful "Siuil a Ruin", and "Cantus" (her multi-tracked take on the carol "Personent Hodie"), Maireid Sullivan''s bluesy version of "The Water is Wide (Waly Waly)", and singer/harpist Emma Christian''s plaintive "Little Red Bird". For more music by and about Celtic Women, try the Green Linnet''s 3-CD set, "The Voice of Celtic Music".


01. Sealwoman/Yundah - Mary McLaughlin

02. Bring The Peace - Mary McLaughlin

03. You Saw His Eyes - Mary McLaughlin

04. Cantus - Connie Dover

05. The Wishing Well - Connie Dover

06. In Aimsir Bhaint An Fheir - Connie Dover

07. Siuil A Ruin - Connie Dover

08. Colour Me - Maireid Sullivan

09. She Moved Through The Fair - Maireid Sullivan

10. Waly Waly - Maireid Sullivan

11. Little Red Bird - Emma Christian

12. Birth In Bethlehem - Emma Christian

13. O Kirree, Thou Wilt Leave Me - Emma Christian

14. The Goodnight Song - Emma Christian

相关分词: 凯尔特 凯尔 尔特 之声