August and Everything After


August and Everything After

90年代最伟大的25张摇滚专辑之一!Counting Crows的成名作!

外文名:August and Everything After


专辑歌手:Counting Crows



风格:Alternative Rock


1993年09月14日这支来自旧金山的乐队凭借处女作《August And Everything After》横扫了摇滚乐坛,是90年代少见的赢得了传统摇滚和非主流两大阵营认可的专辑。专辑中的11首歌首首动听,主唱Adam Duritz用他十分独特的嗓音讲述他自己撰写的11个故事——没错,每首歌都是一个故事,而其中的《Mr. Jones》更是他自己的故事,歌中那句“I want to be Bob Dylan”虽然是假借虚构的人物“Mr Jones”说出的,但是没有人怀疑这就是Adam的心声——这大概也可以解释Counting Crows音乐中浓郁的民谣气息。为了表达那种民谣的淳朴精神和Adam歌词中强烈的忧郁感,吉他手David Bryson特意效仿U2的The Edge,从吉他上去除了低音弦,并且选择了美国中部一个极其安静的山谷中的小木屋来录制原声,这使得整张专辑呈现出了一种几乎未经混音的Lo-Fi韵味——坦率的说,不是每个人都会喜欢这种音效,但当你慢慢的接受后就会越来越喜欢的。

这张专辑中Adam的词和唱也令人印象深刻。听Adam的演唱经常会有想哭的感觉,因为他是那种会100%投入的歌唱的歌手,有着巨大的感染力,而歌词更是让人爱不释手,《Round Here》中阴郁的小镇和找寻Elvis的女孩,《Mr. Jones》中渴望用歌唱表达自己内心的年轻人,从Adam口中唱出的都是真挚的心声,难怪感人至深。

Editorial Review

It''s amazing the difference a year makes. Upon its release, August and Everything After sounded remarkably fresh, a welcome change from the crunch and screech of grunge. Blending the vocal athleticism of Van Morrison with the moody rock of The Band, the Counting Crows turned on a whole legion of fans turned off by modern rock. But what sounded fresh soon became stale as dozens of bands flocked to the radio with euthanized versions of the Counting Crows'' sound. But you shouldn''t hold that against the Crow boys. August and Everything After is a fantastic rock album. Though "Mr. Jones" was the moneymaker, the disc features such standout cuts as the dark lilt of "Anna Begins," the morose "Rain King," and the outstanding U2-meets-Grant Lee Buffalo anthem "Murder of One." Maybe time, and another listen, will heal the damage wrought. --Tod Nelson


Mr. Jone

Words by: Adam Duritz

Music by: Adam Duritz & Dave Bryson

I was down at the New Amsterdam staring at this yellow-haired girl

Mr. Jones strikes up a conversation with this black-haired flamenco dancer

She dances while his father plays guitar

She''s suddenly beautiful

We all want something beautiful

I wish I was beautiful

So come dance this silence down through the morning

Cut Maria! Show me some of them Spanish dances

Pass me a bottle, Mr. Jones

Believe in me

Help me believe in anything

I want to be someone who believes

Mr. Jones and me tell each other fairy tales

Stare at the beautiful women

"She''s looking at you. Ah, no, no, she''s looking at me."

Smiling in the bright lights

Coming through in stereo

When everybody loves you, you can never be lonely

I will paint my picture

Paint myself in blue and red and black and gray

All of the beautiful colors are very very meaningful

Grey is my favorite color

I felt so symbolic yesterday

If I knew Picasso

I would buy myself a gray guitar and play

Mr. Jones and me look into the future

Stare at the beautiful women

"She''s looking at you.

Uh, I don''t think so. She''s looking at me."

Standing in the spotlight

I bought myself a gray guitar

When everybody loves me, I will never be lonely

I want to be a lion

Everybody wants to pass as cats

We all want to be big big stars, but we got different reasons for thatBelieve in me because I don''t believe in anything

and I want to be someone to believe

Mr. Jones and me stumbling through the barrio

Yeah we star at the beautiful women

"She''s perfect for you, Man, there''s got to be somebody for me."

I want to be Bob Dylan

Mr. Jones wishes he was someone just a little more funky

When everybody loves you, son, that''s just about as funky as you can be

Mr. Jones and me staring at the video

When I look at the television, I want to see me staring right back at me

We all want to be big stars, but we don''t know why and we don''t know how

But when everybody loves me, I''m going to be just about as happy as can be

Mr. Jones and me, we''re gonna be big stars..


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